- The New Rules
- Heart vs Mind
- Life is Negotiation
- Be a Mirror
- Introduction
- The Voice
- How to Confront
- Summary
- Simulation
- Don’t Feel Their Pain, Label It
- Tactical Empathy
- Labeling
- Negative and Positive
- Accusation Audit
- Summary
- Simulation
- Beware “Yes”, Master “No”
- Introduction
- “No” Starts it
- Persuade in Their World
- “No” is protection
- Summary
- Simulation
- Trigger the Two Words That Immediately Transform Any Negotiation
- Introduction
- “That’s Right”
- Using “That’s Right”
- Simulation
- Bend Their Reality
- Don’t Compromise
- Deadlines
- The F-Word
- Emotional Drivers
- Get a Better Salary
- Summary
- Simulation
- Create the Illusion of Control
- The Other Side
- Suspend Unbelief
- Calibrate
- Summary
- Simulation
- Guarantee Execution
- “Yes” and “How”
- Liars, Jerks and Everyone Else
- Influence
- The 7-38-55%
- Turning it Around
- Summary
- Simulation
- Bargain Hard
- Introduction
- What Type are You
- Taking a Punch
- Punching Back
- Ackerman Bargaining
- Simulation
- Find the Black Swan
- Leverage
- Three Types of Leverage
- Know Their Religion
- Mistakes #1, #2, #3
- Overcoming Fear
- Final Simulation
- Hostage Negotiator-Leadership
- Introduction
- The Framework
- “It’s Not About You”
- Ego Authority Failure
- Engaging and Defusing with Tactical Empathy
- Sequencing and the Human Nature Response
- Calibrated Questions and Paraphrasing
- Summary
- Scenario