About Blaster Academy
Many of the people Vlad and Stoica have helped with Internet marketing have gone on to have incredible success in a very short amount of time after working with them. Many of them are now full time Internet marketers working full-time with their new businesses.
The whole purpose of the the Blaster Academy is to HELP YOU SUCCEED!
I NEED YOU to be one of the testimonials for the Blaster Academy.
We already have hundreds of successful students, but we need as many as possible because each student is UNIQUE in one way or another.
Speaking about that…
The $497 deal I’m offering you today is STRICLTY LIMITED to 20 students.
We want to personally guide each one of you and make sure ALL OF YOU will succeed, and honestly I can handle more than 20 students at a time.
After we get our 20 new students onboard we will re-open the Academy at a $1,997 signup fee.
But of course you know that event $1,997 is a super good offer compared to the $4,051 value we are giving you inside the Academy.
But TODAY you get the chance to join the academy for ONLY $497!
Not $4,051!
Not $1,997!
But for a ONE-TIME-PAYMENT of $497!
I’m handing you everything you need in order to start your own VIDEO MARKETING AGENCY!
You will have access to everything you need to make $10,000+ per month.
The question is:
Would you trade $1 for $160?
That’s the same thing you are doing right now!
Blaster Academy Webinar
Here What You’ll Get:
- Video Creation
- Video Ranking
- 100% WhiteHat
Get Full Access To All The Tools You Will Ever Need For Video Marketing:
Training Module 1 – Keyword Research (Value: $467)
In the first module of Blaster Academy we are going to show you how to find a profitable niche.
Your niche will be the foundation for your successful business.
After we decided what our niche will be, we have to pick the right keywords.
In the sections below I am explaining the keywords types and the catch behind them.
We will show you how to pick the right long tail buyer keywords.
We will show you how to analyze your competition.
[Video] Keyword Research using VMB – We will show you how to find the best keywords.
How to create perfect SEO optimized titles/desc/tags and analyze your competiton using Video Marketing Blaster PRO
Training Module 2 – Video Creation (Value: $367)
90% of video marketers fail because their videos are not converting.
We will teach you how to create captivating videos that will convert like crazy!
We will teach you how to write your video script in Blaster Academy.
We will give you our exact template for high converting video scripts.
We will teach you the ADVANCED “Video Sandwich” method.
At the end of this module, you will be able to Produce STUDIO Quality Videos!
Videos that will convert like crazy and bring you a TON of targeted traffic and sales.
[Video] Video Creation using Video Spin Blaster + Split + Pixo Video tutorial showing you how in less than 10 minutes you can create a HIGHLY converting video that you can use for your own campaigns or sell to your clients for hundreds of dollars.
Training Module 3 – SEO For Videos (Value: $367)
We will give you a brief introduction in SEO and after that we will dive into all the tips and tricks that we learned in the last 10 years of video marketing.
After you will finish this module you will be a RANKING expert that will be able to rank videos instantly using some of the secret methods that we will share with you.
We will show you how to optimize your titles, descriptions, tags, your channel, your captions and a lot of other tricks
Also this module features a video where we show you how you can combine the power of Video Marketing Blaster and Mass VIdeo Blaster in order to TOTALLY DOMINATE ANY NICHE!
Training Module 4 – Advanced Tricks (Value: $467)
We will teach you some advanced techniques and methods like: the reddit method, the unlist 2.0 method,
the related video trick, how to exploit playlists, how to get more views and social signals, plus a ton of other videos
[Video] Live Events – Find out how to use the unfair advantage of Live Events using Live Event Blaster.
[Video] Related Videos List – Find out how to get in the related videos list for very popular videos.
Software #1: Video Spin Blaster (Value: $67)
Video Spin Blaster is the fastest and easiest to use video creation software EVER created!
Our main focus was to make it EASY TO USE!
You DON’T HAVE TO BE DESIGNER to create AWESOME videos using VSB!
Well, not only you can create videos with the push of two buttons…
But you can add HUMAN SOUNDING Text-To-Speech voices with ease!
We feature over 50+ Male & Female Voices Over 10 Languages!
You can also mass watermark a folder of videos, using random watermarks and random placements with just two clicks!
And for the icing on the cake, we added a SPINNING module inside VSB in Blaster Academy!
By spinning a video Video Spin Blaster can generate thousands of unique copies of the same video file,
so YouTube does not detect the file as a duplicate.
Software #2: Split Blaster (Value: $47)
The difference between an amateur video and a professional looking video is the video footage used!
Would you like to be able to download copyright free videos from YouTube and Vimeo, edit them, split them in multiple parts and use them as slides in Video Spin Blaster…
That would be 10 times faster than having to create the videos from scratch…
Split Blaster will provide you with high quality stock-footage!
Software #3: Pixo Blaster PRO (Value: $77)
Make your videos CONVERT 10x BETTER!
People crave human interaction and they easily connect with a face they can interact with and trust!
Adding a professional spokesperson intro sequence will boost viewer engagement, regardless of the actual video content…
Over the years we have spent well over 10.000$ on spokesperson intro videos and we packed all the collection in a one of kind software: Pixo Blaster!
Pick from a vast collection(500+ videos) of Professional intros & outros that are PROVEN to increase retention rate, Captivate Your Audience , and 10x your conversions …
With the help of Pixo Blaster with only a few clicks you can change the background of the spokesperson videos and replace it with whatever background you want.
Software #4: Video Marketing Blaster (Value: $97)
The only software that is able to Reverse-Engineer YouTube & Google ranking system and rank hundreds
of videos with the click of 3 buttons!
Step 1: VMB will suggest untapped keywords and related keywords for your main niche.
Keywords that you can easily exploit and that will bring you highly targeted traffic that will convert like crazy!
STEP 2: With one click VMB will analyze your competitors, identifying all the weak points in their videos and will automatically exploit them. After a few seconds VMB will generate a perfectly SEO titles/desccription/tags that will get you top rankings!
STEP 3: Copy and Paste the title, description and tags and upload your video! BANNG – Top rankings!
Your competitors won’t stand a chance against you!
(when you have this tool in your arsenal)
While they fuss and fumble around trying to figure out which single keyword to target….
You will be able to target tens or even hundreds of highly targeted traffic keywords!
You will totally dominate ANY NICHE!
Local Niche, Ecom, CPA, Affiliate Marketing, Amazon product, Jvzoo, Clickbank, you name it!
Software #5: Mass Video Blaster (Value: $147)
What used to take 3-4 hours creating and submitting videos now takes minutes that’s right! MINUTES!
Mass Video Blaster allows you to mass upload videos to YouTube, whether its about the hottest video game to hit the market, some sweet a** music video, the newest diet or weight loss product on the market, latest movie trailers, latest affiliate product, or any video that you can think of, doesn’t matter.
Mass Video Blaster is like having a 20 people team working for you!
You can mass import videos from Video Marketing Blaster and Video Spin Blaster, watermark them with your website, add an intro video, and upload all of them within a matter of minutes across multiple accounts!
Software #6: Live Blaster 2 PRO (Value: $127)
The ONLY SOFTWARE that instantly RANKS hundreds of live events and keeps the rankings sticking for good!
Since the launch of YouTube, live events are the biggest new feature that has been added…
A completely new way to use YouTube for those with the knowledge and tools to take advantage of!
Our software allows you to instantly create, schedule and live stream hundreds of Live Events with the push of 2 buttons!
It will allow you to stream a pre-recorded video at a later time.
You won’t have to worry about starting the stream, about being online at the time the stream starts, or beeing in front of the camera!
Anyone, regardless of experience and technical know-how, will be able to use Live Blaster 2 To RANK ON PAGE 1 of Google and STAY THERE FOR GOOD!!
Blaster Academy Bonus :
Bonus #1: Case Study for the Weight Loss (Value: $327)
Bonus #2: Case Study for Ecom (Value: $270)
Bonus #3: Case Study for Amazon (Value: $327)
Bonus #4: Case Study for Launch Jacking (Value: $427)
Bonus #5: Case Study for Local Marketing (Value: $470)
– Training Module 1 – Keyword Research (Value: $467)
– Training Module 2 – Video Creation (Value: $367)
– Training Module 3 – SEO For Videos (Value: $367)
– Training Module 4 – Advanced Tricks (Value: $467)
– Software #1: Video Spin Blaster (Value: $67)
– Software #2: Split Blaster (Value: $47)
– Software #3: Pixo Blaster PRO (Value: $77)
– Software #4: Video Marketing Blaster (Value: $97)
– Software #5: Mass Video Blaster (Value: $147)
– Software #6: Live Blaster 2 PRO (Value: $127)
– Bonus: 5 Case Study Videos (Value: $1821)
Blaster Academy’s Sales Page
More Blaster Academy Vendor Product :
Blaster Academy Team also have many great product that run and support from long time like Lingo Blaster, Thumbnail Blaster, Videly, Speechelo, Scriptelo, Adult Video Blaster… You Should to check and try them.